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Colloidal Mn2+-doped semiconductor nanocrystals such as Mn2+:ZnSe have attracted broad attention for potential applications in phosphor and imaging technologies. Here, we report saturation of the sensitized Mn2+ photoluminescence intensity at very low continuous-wave (CW) and quasi-CW photoexcitation powers under conditions that are relevant to many of the proposed applications. Time-resolved photoluminescence measurements and kinetic modeling indicate that this saturation arises from an Auger-type nonradiative cross relaxation between an excited Mn2+ ion and an exciton within the same nanocrystal. A lower limit of k = 2 × 1010 s–1 is established for the fundamental rate constant of the Mn2+(4T1)-exciton cross relaxation.


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Last update Friday December 08 2017